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Frequently Asked Questions

Learn what to expect with Skribe. Get answers to common questions about transcript accuracy, the deposition processes, and admissibility of non-stenographic testimony recordings.

Welcome to Skribe. We hope you find Skribe to be an easy to use, efficient and less expensive way to capture, analyze and share legal testimony. Although participating in a Skribe event is similar to any other remote event, there are a few key differences that you should be aware of. Prior to your event, please review the information below to learn more. If you have any questions or would like a demo, please reach out to support@skribe.ai.

Skribe is a software platform that empowers legal professionals to non-stenographically capture their own legal testimony. Using the power of modern technology, attorneys and their teams can now record and transcribe legal testimony without the hassle and expense of stenographers or videographers.

Given the increasing shortage of stenographers, it is increasingly difficult and expensive to schedule depositions. In the interest of improving access to justice, Skribe provides litigants with a way to capture testimony themselves and quickly obtain a video-synced, rough transcript. In addition to the rough transcript and video, users also get access to Skribe’s video processing and clipping tools, which make it easy to quickly create video clips that can be inserted into emails to clients, briefs, or presentations. For our Live offering (e.g., depositions), we also include professionally proofread transcripts delivered within three business days of the event, for added reference to your video record.

Participating in a Skribe event is like any other Zoom meeting. In fact, the interface is your own Zoom app. So, there’s no need to learn new technology or processes. The primary difference is there will not be a court reporter or videographer present. Skribe provides a a certified notary “Liaison” who swears in the witness and helps guide attorneys through the simple process of capturing their own legal testimony with software.

Everyone that participates in a Skribe event gets a copy of the video and exhibits. Within a few hours after the event, you’ll be notified these materials are available. If you would like a copy of the rough transcript, access to the video clipping/processing tools and a final transcript, these items can be purchased for an additional fee.

Skribe’s rough AI transcript is very good and is an excellent reference tool to your video record. Rough transcript issues may include spelling of uncommon names, places and/or grammar and punctuation. The rough is intended for immediate review of your video record and to aid in creating video clips. Professionally proofread, final transcripts are available within three to five business days. The final transcript closely resembles stenographer transcripts you’ve seen for years.
Over-talk, inaudible words and spellings present a challenge for stenographers and software-powered alternatives. In our experience, a stenographic transcript is not always accurate and can include mistakes. It is not uncommon for stenographers to insert “inaudible” when there are quality issues. Luckily, by having the video as part of the record, confusion and clarification is easier to discuss. Also, if there are needed updates to the spellings of names, or other issues, they can be addressed in a post-event review process. Additionally, the Skribe Liaison monitors the connection of all participants, discourages cross-talk, and helps ensure a high quality recording made by the attorneys.

Skribe.ai does not use Generative AI (e.g., ChatGPT) to create transcripts. Skribe.ai uses proven Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) technology to generate a rough draft of the transcript from the actual video/recording. This rough draft is synced to the official video record. Within 3-5 days, the rough transcript is proofread by professional transcriptionists and any errors in the software are corrected.

Yes, as a non-stenographic alternative, Skribe.ai offers a distinctive “watch and sign” method for the post-deposition review process. Our certified videos serve as the official record for each event, therefore a conventional “read and sign” process for transcripts isn’t required or needed. We enable witnesses and their attorneys to review these videos instead of transcripts. Should any inaccuracies, required clarifications, or changes be identified, they can designate these corrections on a sheet similar to an errata, citing the specific video timestamps for reference.

No. Skribe.ai focuses on certifying non-stenographic video records as the official deposition record. For our Live offering, we include same-day AI-generated rough transcripts in sync with the video, followed by professionally proofread transcripts within three to five business days for added reference. These final, professionally proofread transcripts meet or exceed the quality of stenographic transcripts. These final transcripts are supplementary tools accompanying the official, non-stenographic video record.

Although Skribe is optimized for all participants joining the call remotely, it is possible to be in the same room as the witness. We suggest placing a computer in front of the witness with the speaker/microphone enabled and connected to the Skribe event. A separate computer will be in front of you (the attorney) that is also connected to the event, but the speaker/microphone should be muted. Be sure to sit near the witness and if you need to make an objection or say something, be sure to speak in a clear and loud voice and avoid cross-talk.

All you need to join a call is a computer with a webcam, microphone, speakers and a strong internet connection. We suggest your internet connection is capable of downloading at least 50 mbps and uploading at least 5 mbps. If you’re unsure how fast your internet connection is, you can test it by clicking here.

Exhibits are handled through the “screen share” function built into the Skribe meeting room. This functions exactly like any other screen share function you’ve used in other remote Zoom meetings. After the event, any exhibits that were introduced are uploaded into an electronic folder and the link to that folder is shared by the Liaison with all parties.

Non-stenographic recording of testimony is permitted under federal and most state rules. For example, FRCP 30(b)(3) provides “testimony may be recorded by audio, audiovisual, or stenographic means.” See also Tex. R. Civ. P. 199.1(b), (c); see also Tex. R. Civ. P. 203.6(a) (“A non-stenographic recording … may be used to the same extent as a deposition taken by stenographic means.”). Note, there are a very small number of states that require stipulations, a court order and/or do not yet permit non-stenographic depositions. But this is a small minority. Most states track the federal rules, which have permitted non-stenographic depositions for decades. You can learn more by emailing support@skribe.ai or visiting our Admissibility page.

All Skribe depositions are currently staffed by a “Liaison,” who is a certified notary. The Liaison swears in the witness, tracks exhibits, aids the attorneys in going on/off the record, acts as the neutral third party and generally ensures everyone has a positive experience with Skribe. Following the deposition, we provide all parties with a certificate signed by the Liaison that certifies the authenticity of the non-stenographic record. Of course, any party (e.g., opposing counsel) is welcome to hire a stenographer to attend the event at their own expense.

Skribe has a usage based pricing model and bills by the tenth of an hour (i.e., 6 minute increments). Please visit our Pricing page for more details.

Testimony from Litigators

“Thanks to Skribe’s video clip sharing tool, my clients can now see and hear witness testimonies themselves, enabling them to personally assess credibility by observing the witness in action”.

Group 1000001768

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